How To Promote Your Website (32 Ways To Increase Traffic) In 2019

How do I promote my site?
Are you looking for some fresh, unique ways to promote your site?
We have covered here 32 ways to increase your website's traffic.
The web promotion can be a difficult process, but it need not be so.
The trick is, as a site owner, you probably do not see things that produce results. There are so many ways you can take advantage of us here in your Digi Marketing Tech we quote them.

 you probably do not see things that produce results How To Promote Your Website (32 Ways To Increase Traffic) in 2019

1. Write content that screams ‘Share me’ or ‘Sign in with the Links’
Your content is, obviously, one of the most important parts of your site.
Average content is not enough. Your articles should stand out as the best of niche and deserve to be ranked high on Google. The unique content will increase the Page Authority of your website.
Analyze what others have written about your subject and do what you can to make your articles even better. Be the first choice in the user query.
Quality content will address your audience's persoalan and give you a variety of solutions that anyone can use. There should be something useful for any potential reader.

The long and informative content gets more shares of social media and earns backlinks from more valid areas. Striking content helps you get more traffic to your site. Studies have shown that sites with long-term articles of over 2,000 words tend to be ranked higher on Google. Publishing posts that require a lot of time (or money), so try to find the perfect blend of quality and quantity when it comes to post  content. 

Think always about your readers and what they are expecting to learn from your content. Give tips that can be taken and can be quickly implemented
It is also important to interact with your readers and ask them to participate in the article by leaving comments. If your content is appreciated well, it will naturally attract social media shares and backlinks.

2. Get the best backlinks of your competitor
Along with the content, your site also needs quality backlinks from popular websites to get better SEO results. Read the SEO Competitor Analysis Guide.
You can find new opportunities for backlinks by analyzing your best competitors. Nevertheless, consider that not all of their backlinks are of high quality, and you should not follow them. Read backlinks that matter and which ones are punished by Google.

With Ahrefs, you can get a list of their backlinks and sort them according to their metrics. Green returns indicate that your site already has a backlink from this domain.
By analyzing your competitor's backlinks you can find:
Bloggers are willing to share or link to your content. 
Sites where your competitors are contributors. You can also try to become a partner. 
The backlinks that help them rank high on Google.
The SEO Marketer team conducts research for you and creates SEO strategies to take you off. It is really a competitive advantage when you promote your site. Read 6 SEO strategies that bring results in 2019.

3. Become Guest Blogger
Even before you start thinking that guest blogging is dead and doesn’t future please Stop!! This is false. Guest blogging is still alive! And below I explain why:
What is dead and is going to be less and less valuable is guest posts on websites of very low quality.

Visitors' contribution is one of the most effective ways to promote your site. You can drive referrer traffic from sites related to yours and attract new visitors who share similar interests to yours.
These are some things to keep in mind for the blogging guest:
Always include Twitter, Facebook, Instagram in your author's biography to help readers easily follow you or come in contact with you. 
Do not make low quality backlinks and hunt mainly dofollow backlinks. 
The content of the visitor post should be at least as good as articles you write about your site. This is the opportunity to make your name in front of a new crowd, so you have to be impressed.
Write guest posts for sites that are well established and have a good reputation. A general rule is not to write for sites that have a lower quality than your site.

4. Accept guest bloggers on your site
Accepting visitors' publications from other experts in your post can help drive more traffic. You will have the opportunity to rank new keywords in Google.
The blogger will do his best to promote his article and you can get the benefits of having an article from your site shared with social media followers. For example, if the guest has ten thousand fans, your site will be exposed to ten thousand potential new visitors.

What to do and what not to do when it comes to Guest Bloggers on your site:
Do not accept anonymous guest bloggers. 
If their approach starts with "Hello", "Dear Sir / Miss", press the spam button as fast as you can. If they can not do some research to find your name, do not even get in touch with them. 
Always check their previous articles and know how well readers interact and share their content. 
Do not accept hacking partners who write content that is worse than yours. If their content is worthless, it does not do for you. 
Publish content only if you think your readers will have something to learn from it. 
Do not link to irrelevant sites that may be punished by Google.
A good idea would be to ask well-known bloggers to write to your blog.

5. Create quality backlinks
To get more organic traffic and improve your overall SEO, you need to create backlinks. Buying links is often not a viable solution, especially if you are in a boring field.
You just spend time building quality links and never for ambiguous opportunities. Bad links can cause more damage than good, and in some ways can lead to Google's sanctions.
Follow the best practices on building links and see more traffic from search engines.
Not sure what kind of backlinks do you currently have? Stop and take a quick look at the Semrush Backlink Checker . You can even use it to check what your competitors are doing (the 300 best backlinks). If you want a more in-depth look, then you need to get a premium subscription.

6. Make sure that your best backlinks will never be removed
When you win or make some good connections, it is very important not to miss them. Monitoring your existing reconnections is at least as important as building them. You can track all your existing backlinks using tracking tools.
If any of your good links have been removed, do the best you can to get it back. If you have an Eshop, read our guide for promotion and advertising.

7. Write about the current and controversial issues
Cover issues that are hot and crazy. Your content can easily be ranked higher on Google because there is less competition.
Use Google Trends to find topics that people are talking about and who are interested. For example, if you write for SEO, you can cover the latest updates of the Google algorithm.
Be the one to discuss the new and controversial issues that will make your readers write comments and interact with your content. Controversial issues often become viral in social media.

8. Write case studies and share stories
Share your experiences and let your readers know how you've achieved some results. Case studies keep the reader's interest alive and give them a reason to return to your site. 
Another clever way to create great stories is to ask your customers if they agree to share their success story. You can create a blog post and talk about their achievements and how your company / product helped.
Case studies are more than a step-by-step guide, they are narrators.

9. Analyze existing traffic and improve what works best
Monitor refferal traffic and analyze which websites send you the most visitors. Check Google Analytics referrals and try to find out what worked best so far.

10. Make your titles attractive
Write your titles with SEO in mind, but make sure they are also appealing to man. A good title can improve your CTR on search engines and social media.

11. Trust with the  influencers  of your domain
To be one of the influential ones, it's best to create friends who are already leaders in the industry. You can be active on their blogs and join with them by leaving comments or contacting them at Social Media.

12. Use quality images for your posts
A good image will produce quality and professionalism on your website and also it will help you to get backlinks. If your image is unique, others may want to use it on their site and link to your site as a source.
A good image can also increase your visibility into social media, especially on websites like Pinterest.

13. Create infographics
Infographics have begun to become very popular a few years ago and are still one of the best ways to make quality backlinks and increase traffic.
An infographic that becomes viral can send thousands of potential customers to your website. Building a good infographic is not as accurate as you think and can be the easiest way to create backlinks and improve SEO.

14. Always use Internal Linking between your posts so that readers spend more time on your site and it will decrease bounce rate.
A strong internal connection has many advantages. These are the most important reasons why you should create internal links:
Show your readers relevant articles that can be enjoyed and shared. 
Keep your visitors engaged on your posts and more time on your website and offer them more reasons so that they can stay on your website. 
It helps your articles indexed on Google and give them a little SEO boost. Internal links are one of the many SEO ranking factors.

15. Search for keywords and focus on long-term keywords
Before you start writing an article, you need to search for keywords and find out what phrases users use to search on Google. Ranking for competing keywords takes time and a lot of resources, but you can easily drive your site to a high degree for keywords with a long queue. These keywords are often underestimated, as they do not have a high search volume, but you can get a good amount of traffic with less effort.
Always try to import popular keywords into your content, but remember that you're writing about people, not robots. We do not propose excessive optimization of your content and you will be safe from future updates of the Google algorithm. Read about  SEO - Keywords why they matter and how we find them.
The Keyword Tool Google is still the best way to identify new keywords.

16. Build and improve your site to be SEO Friendly
Organic traffic is the best sources of getting free traffic from search engines. Therefore, making your website SEO friendly is very important. To ensure that you maximize your SEO potential, add the main keywords to your titles and meta-descriptions. Also, enter your keywords into your titles and content.

17. Join Facebook groups and Google Plus Communities
Do not restrict yourself to promoting your site only to current supporters of your social media. For each post, there are groups and communities where you can interact with people and share the best pieces with your content.
I use Facebook and Google Plus communities to bring a few hundred visitors to my latest articles and you can do the same.

18. Get interviews from infuencers in your field
Performing regular interviews with industry leaders can help build confidence and increase your site exposure. You can interview the participants with the Q & A of the text or with an audio interview.

19. Trust and talk with your readers
Do not leave a comment without answer. Respond and thank all those who interact with your content or social media messages. A simple "thank you" can make them feel important and increase the chances of returning and contributing with more knowledge.
Responding to your users' comments, you will also help chat and get more comments on your posts. Keep in mind that the content of the comments can help you rank higher on Google for new keywords. The same applies to Eshop store owners, with Product Reviews.

20. Participate in R & D platforms
Question & answer sites are a great source of traffic. There are hundreds of questions that are published daily in all places and you should be the one who will give you first aid. Here are some of the popular Question answering platforms:
Yahoo Answers 

21. Collection of e-mail addresses
Retrieving your visitors' email addresses will help you increase your return rate and reduce your bounce rate. Email is the most personal way to communicate with your readers and let them know about your latest posts or ask for feedback.
There are many e-mail collection applications that can help you increase your email subscribers.

22. Participate in forums and promote your website by signing
Be active on the most popular forums in your industry and help those who ask for you. You can promote your site with the signature. If your answers are helpful, some may consider visiting your site.

23. Perform research to understand what your readers expect
It's important to understand what your readers expect on your site and how they think you can improve the site. Your reader's comments are very important and can help you build your site in the right direction.
Always pay special attention to what your visitors have to say about your site and make the most of their tips.

24. Create a "start here" page
For first-time visitors, it's a good idea to create a special page where they can become familiar with your site. On this page you add your most popular post links and give your visitors introduction about your blog or website. Make sure you do not lose your best content.

25. Focus on On Page SEO
Before you start working with the content of your site, you need to know the SEO tools you will use. Use the Google Keyword Tool Design Tool to find the best keywords for your niche market. Remember to focus on long-term keywords in relation to short keywords, as you can strive to rank a broad keyword. Focus on keywords that have low competition and high search frequency to help you create blog posts that are imperative and observable. Now the new Google Rankbrain algorithm makes things even clearer.
Using the right SEO strategy will help you to promote your site. The keywords you choose must be added to the title, headings, content and Meta description. If you add images, remember to include the keyword in the title tag and the alt tag but in description style. Promoting your website using traditional SEO is one of the best ways to get organic traffic and higher rankings.

26. Social Media Marketing
The world of social media has completely changed Internet marketing. Creating a social media account and interacting with customers is often the best way to promote a website. You will be able to create customer connections and you can get immediate results as a benefit of your communication with them. Various social media accounts provide businesses with an excellent platform to advertise business to the right audiences.

Promoting sites to social media accounts may have branded images. Examine competitions and offers with unique landing pages to get new "virtues" and customer contact information. The Facebook and Twitter remain the dominant forces of social media, but Pinterest - Instagram begin to recruit businesses as other ways to promote a website. 
See Infographic:

27. Search engine list
A simple way to increase traffic to your site is by using search engines. Whenever you publish new content on your blog/website make sure you always submit new content to search engine directories like Google, Yahoo!, Bing, etc.. to be indexed. Great search engines offer this free service and you can also get it with smaller search engine directories. This is one of the first things you need to do to promote a website if you add fresh content weekly.

28. Signing a name
The image of your brand is that people will recognize your company. Spend some time to make your brand easily recognizable and exciting enough to attract people's attention. Create a signature for your email account, text messages, and forums that include your site's URL. This is a great way to make people recognize your brand and make people click on the URL. It's important to have a mobile-friendly site if you choose to add your URL to text messages and other mobile ad options. If you'd like to learn more about how to view a site using mobile services, you can work with the SEO Marketer team. They have unique mobile marketing strategies to help your business get more exposure.

29. Mutual Links
One way to show search engines that your site is trustworthy is to have other websites that link to your site. If you want an offer, site selections include guest blogging, lembaga posting, link exchange, news articles as well as some other strategies. Do not start connecting your site to a number of poor quality sites. Search engines want to reward you with higher rankings when they see your site linking to higher ranked sites. Concentrate on creating reader-friendly links and use keywords or quality phrases to get a link. Inbound links are an important part of the SEO world, but you have to be careful with the way you create them. If you make too many at the same time, your site can accept Google's penalty from the search engines. Slowly and steadily is the best way to go about working on the quality of incoming links on your site.

30. Focusing on quality content
Of all website promotion ideas, it is best to focus on quality. Why are you writing blog posts for readers? Do you give them the information they want or focus on just getting something "fresh" on your website? Creating quality content is vital to your site and overall rankings. Write the type of content that they want to read and promote other people on their own blogs / social media. Spread your new text to Social Media whenever you upload a new article to the blog. Watch the blog to find out what works and what you can avoid if the move is not moving upwards.

31. Use Google Local Business
To get a local audience, you must submit your site to Google Local Business. Not only will Google offer site promotion ideas, but it will allow every business to enter the information for free. You can add photos, include promotional offers and even submit mobile ads. The big part of the Google Local Business page is how to view the information. It will appear just above the rest of normal search results information, giving your business a greater presence on the web. Google still provides directions to your website and allows customers to call directly from their mobile device.

32. Create and promote videos
An extremely important and necessary way of promotion is Video Marketing. Create videos and upload them to major platforms such as Youtube, Dailymotion, enrich them with unique remarkable description and links to your website. Video Marketing, especially on Facebook, has risen sharply and takes a lot of user's eye, especially if the first 5 seconds have shown them something to attract them.
If you're still asking me how to promote my site after using these 32 tips, it's a good idea to contact online marketing agencies for help. These 32 promotion tips make it easy for anyone to focus on improving the website and promoting it through the right channels. While it may take time to learn how to promote a site, it is important to focus on being patient. It may take a few weeks or months before you notice a significant increase in your traffic and online rankings.

For more information on how to display a site, contact the Digi Marketing Tech.

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